Language People, in collaboration with several local, state, and national partners, has created 911DEAF.com to increase awareness of emergency preparedness for the Deaf and Hard of Hearing. The website provides useful tips and guides to prepare for emergency situations coupled with real time news updates in an interactive community forum. Language People encourages users to share their knowledge and experience by participating in the forums. Members can even apply to be a featured Blogger or Vlogger for 911DEAF.com.
Language People is an established language solutions provider, with more than 25 years experience. LP is committed to bettering the lives of our clients, employees, and the Deaf and Hard of Hearing Communities. The following is a small sample of the services LP provides 24 hours a day, 365 days a year:
- Face-to-face Interpreting
- Translation Services
- Video remote Interpreting
- Over-the-Phone Interpreting
We utilize the business of language services as a platform to become better people ourselves, increase the health and dignity of all people, and make a small but significant contribution to the lives of those around us.
Language People would like to thank everyone for their contributions to the website. 911DEAF.com would not be possible without the help of our featured contributors and generous sponsors that share our commitment to emergency preparedness.
Next to English and Spanish, ASL is the third most used language in the United States, yet most responders do not know how to deal with the people that speak this language. They are at a loss as to how to communicate with those who use it as a form of communication.
It is noted that nearly 15% of the U.S. population is profoundly deaf or hard of hearing. Estimates also suggest that around every deaf person there are 2 to 5 hearing people involved in their lives. This dedicated hearing support group has been equally interested in the products and services that cater to the Deaf Community. Assuming the lower figure of only 2 individuals in the support group, an additional 56 million people can be added to the total, increasing our reach to as many as 100 million people in the U.S. alone. These figures do not include the millions of people worldwide that use Sign Language every day to navigate through and function within hearing societies.
911DEAFcom will be the leading mixed media service totally dedicated to providing information, news, trends, and educational videos effectively cutting across all demographics. We will act as a catalyst for unequaled business partnerships among Fortune 5OO companies, national entities, media outlets, and the global Deaf and Hard of Hearing community.
NAD video:
The NAD 2009 from National Association of the Deaf on Vimeo.